COPickyEats Colorado Springs restaurants

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

I have lost my appetite.

This is the view on Saturday when my husband and I drove back from the Castle Rock area. My heart was in my throat wondering what was going on in our town. I couldn't believe my eyes that a huge fire broke out in Waldo Canyon. And today the situation does not seem to be getting better which is just sickening. Our hearts are saddened by this
natural disaster and this fire affects a lot of our loved ones. Our prayers and thoughts are with those evacuees, firefighters and volunteers!!!

You can donate to help Waldo Canyon effort to the following charities:

(Once there, please specify Waldo Canyon Fire / Disaster Relief on the donation form.)

(Although the website states "Hyde Park Fire," their names and contact information will be referenced for the Waldo Canyon fire.)

(Donate items needed:  towels, shampoo, soap and food )

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